Woman bakes her way out of foreclosure
Angela Logan, a divorced mom of three in Teaneck, New Jersey, fell behind on her mortgage payments after a contractor left her with $50,000 worth of damage. Faced with a $2,559.54 bill in July and the threat of foreclosure on her home of 20-years, Logan got a sweet idea:
She asked friends and family to help her raise the money by purchasing her homemade "Mortgage Apple Cakes," at $40 a pop.
Everybody loves a good cake. And these must have been show-stoppers: what started out as an order for 42 such cakes, she's since gotten orders for nearly 500 more, including requests from as far afield as Iraq and Hong Kong.
When the Teaneck health department got wind of this, it informed her that she couldn't use her kitchen as a place of business. So the local Hilton hotel stepped in and offered its industrial-sized kitchen. I guess cake is something everyone can get behind.
Foreclosure thus averted, Logan did what any ordinary, apple-cake-lovin' American mom would do: she launched a business from her idea. She's now got a website (which looks pretty homemade itself) for her Mortgage Apple Cakes, with the legend: Fighting Foreclosures, one cake at a time.
Catchy. Here's hoping Logan manages to stay in this particularly sweet spot.
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