If you happen to entertain your customers, employee or any others in your business you may be able to deduction expenses that are deemed ordinary and necessary for doing business. Expenses such as these may be deducted if they are related or associated with your business directly.
Proof of the expense must be provided and have information such as the cost, date and location of the entertainment. The relationship of those entertained may also be required to be furnished. Typical cases allow only for a deduction of 50% of meal and entertainment costs.
If you are an employee subject to reimbursement for entertainment expenses, any reimbursement through an accountable plan should not appear on your W-2 as income. If you were not reimbursed or were reimbursed through a non-accountable plan you can deduct expenses through Form 2106, Employee Business Expenses, or Form 2106, Unreimbursed Employee Business Expense. Deductions such as these will appear on your tax return as itemized and are usually subject to a limit of 2% of your adjusted gross income.
If you are self-employed you may take deductions by using Form 1040, Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business or Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ, Net Profit Form Business. If you are a farmer you will use Form 1040, Schedule F, Profit or Loss from Farming to deduct these expenses.
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